• Business Strategy

    Our Business Accelerator Programme prompts clients to consider new strategies for the development of their business.

  • Welcome to Excel Business Advisers

  • Business Development and eBusiness

    Excel Business Advisers development services are geared to take your business to the next level, often tackling difficult markets whilst bringing Return on Investment (ROI) at an early stage.

  • Change Management

    Invariably, new strategies involve a process of change which must be handled at the right pace and carefully considered. The best performing businesses must be aligned and adaptable to changing circumstances and market forces.

Business Strategy

Many business plans are written solely to secure external funding.
Without a comprehensive business plan, your application for working capital/ loan finance is likely to be declined by the lender.
A good business plan will, however, do much more and should provide a strong platform for successful development of your business – often (and we recommend) without being a massively detailed document.

Why should I have a business plan?

A good business plan will:

Provide a clear view of your business purpose and enable this to be communicated to partners and staff
1- Predict future impacts and contain actions to ensure they do not threaten your business
2- Set clear targets and objectives so that business performance can be monitored
3- Set out where you want to be in the future and how you will get there.

Excel Business Advisers support you to put strong plans in place, achieve financial goals and address critical resource requirements in the planning process.
We work with clients to help them plan and in most cases write the plan up following delivery of Business Development Workshops (BDWs) held with senior members of your team.

What will our business plan look like?

Typically, business plans will cover:

1- The market your business operates or plans to operate within
2- Target client base
3- An analysis of competitors
4- Marketing strategy
5- Marketing plan
6- Business risks
7- Sales targets and objectives
8- Operational requirements
9- Financial requirements and forecasts

Business plans are written in practical, usable language and designed for easy, regular review to ensure that performance stays on track. In many cases, they will incorporate key deliverables, milestones and targets aligned to operating budgets.

Plans are written both for internal use and to secure finance.