• Business Strategy

    Our Business Accelerator Programme prompts clients to consider new strategies for the development of their business.

  • Welcome to Excel Business Advisers

  • Business Development and eBusiness

    Excel Business Advisers development services are geared to take your business to the next level, often tackling difficult markets whilst bringing Return on Investment (ROI) at an early stage.

  • Change Management

    Invariably, new strategies involve a process of change which must be handled at the right pace and carefully considered. The best performing businesses must be aligned and adaptable to changing circumstances and market forces.

Business Development and eBusiness

Excel Business Advisers development services are geared to take your business to the next level, often tackling difficult markets whilst bringing Return on Investment (ROI) at an early stage.
Our professional bid writing, bid writing training and bid management services are based on many years experience of winning business for clients running into millions of £'s. They will help you to grow revenue in the public sector and to win corporate business when involved in a competitive tendering round.

We also provide high quality proposal writing andproposal management services. These are geared, again, to winning business in highly competitive markets.

We provide marketing services which contribute to increased revenue and profitability - from preparation of comprehensive marketing strategies to corporate brochures and marketing literature, scripting of websites and preparing targeted prospect letters and follow-up processes.

Our sales consultancy, mentoring and training focuses on systems (including sales pipeline), processes, people and their alignment to achieving results - with people factors covering areas such as sales personalities, building rapport, values and building credibility.
We also help clients and their sales staff with goal setting. In the words of Abraham Lincoln "Think little goals and expect little achievements. Think big goals and win big success."

Our HR services are focused around performance, ensuring that the correct strategies, organisational structure and processes are in place to allow staff to perform to the best of their capabilities.
They build individual and team performance, stimulating ownership of deliverables and targets and willingness to contribute to corporate objectives. We have had considerable success with these services, which have enabled clients to re-focus resources where necessary to achieve growth.

Excel Business Advisers also offer Search Engine Marketing (SEM) services - supporting clients to win business in the UK and internationally through key internet search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing and rank highly on their Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs).

Our SEM services are based on, initial, dedicated internet market and competitor research, providing a proven platform for both organic optimisation and Pay Per Click (PPC). You will benefit from increased traffic to your website, increased customers and increased sales as a result of these services.

Additionally, we provide supply chain management and procurement systems. These optimise business efficiency, build supply chain performance and capacity whilst ensuring that value for money is achieved contributing to bottom line business profitability.