• Business Strategy

    Our Business Accelerator Programme prompts clients to consider new strategies for the development of their business.

  • Welcome to Excel Business Advisers

  • Business Development and eBusiness

    Excel Business Advisers development services are geared to take your business to the next level, often tackling difficult markets whilst bringing Return on Investment (ROI) at an early stage.

  • Change Management

    Invariably, new strategies involve a process of change which must be handled at the right pace and carefully considered. The best performing businesses must be aligned and adaptable to changing circumstances and market forces.

Our Business Services

We are pecialises in business consultancy services which achieve growth - often in highly competitive and difficult markets. We work with clients large and small, young and old. We focus on performance, and have won clients thousands of business, increased sales, profitability, market share and efficiency.
Our services are competitively priced, whilst bringing real return on investment. These include

1- Business Services Planing

Many business plans are written solely to secure external funding.
Without a comprehensive business plan, your application for working capital/ loan finance is likely to be declined by the lender.
A good business plan will, however, do much more and should provide a strong platform for successful development of your business – often (and we recommend) without being a massively detailed document.

2- Business Development and eBusiness

Excel Business Advisers development services are geared to take your business to the next level, often tackling difficult markets whilst bringing Return on Investment (ROI) at an early stage.
Our professional bid writing, bid writing training and bid management services are based on many years experience of winning business for clients running into millions of £'s. They will help you to grow revenue in the public sector and to win corporate business when involved in a competitive tendering round.

We also provide high quality proposal writing andproposal management services. These are geared, again, to winning business in highly competitive markets.

3- Business Strategy

Our Business Accelerator Programme prompts clients to consider new strategies for the development of their business.
Strategy must be understood, planned and then implemented. It must identify what your business has to do now and in the future to be successful and qualify what success means. Whilst driven at senior management level, strategy must be owned by decision makers throughout your business to be successful.

4- Change Management

Invariably, new strategies involve a process of change which must be handled at the right pace and carefully considered. The best performing businesses must be aligned and adaptable to changing circumstances and market forces.

We work with our clients to achieve the benefits of change, whether driven through extraordinary growth opportunities, market alignment, investor, merger, acquisition or downsizing.

5- Project Management

Projects should fit with business strategy, be clearly defined and bring specific benefits to your business. A well run project, achieved through strong project management involves planning, communications, handling budgets and keeping a balance between the key parameters of time, cost and quality.